balota - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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balota (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Use

The term "balota" generally refers to a piece of paper used in voting to express a choice, commonly called a "ballot" in English. It is primarily used in the context of elections and is an important term within political and legal discussions surrounding voting procedures.

"Balota" is often employed in both written and oral contexts, particularly during elections or political discussions. Its usage increases significantly in the lead-up to elections.

Example Sentences

  1. La balota se puede emitir de forma presencial o a distancia.
    (The ballot can be cast in person or remotely.)

  2. Es importante revisar todos los candidatos antes de llenar la balota.
    (It is important to review all the candidates before filling out the ballot.)

  3. La balota debe ser depositada en la urna correspondiente.
    (The ballot must be placed in the appropriate ballot box.)

Idiomatic Expressions

While "balota" itself is not commonly found in many idiomatic expressions, it can be part of phrases related to elections and democratic processes. Here are a few examples:

  1. "Votar en blanco" (to cast a blank ballot)
  2. Ejemplo: Algunos electores decidieron votar en blanco para mostrar su descontento.
    (Some voters decided to cast a blank ballot to show their dissatisfaction.)

  3. "Contar los votos" (to count the votes)

  4. Ejemplo: Los funcionarios electorales son responsables de contar los votos tras cerrar las urnas.
    (Election officials are responsible for counting the votes after the ballots are closed.)

  5. "Estar en la boleta" (to be on the ballot)

  6. Ejemplo: El nuevo candidato estará en la boleta de las próximas elecciones.
    (The new candidate will be on the ballot for the upcoming elections.)

  7. "Pasar a la segunda vuelta" (to advance to the runoff)

  8. Ejemplo: El candidato que reciba más de la mitad de las balotas avanzará a la segunda vuelta.
    (The candidate who receives more than half of the ballots will advance to the runoff.)


The term "balota" derives from the Latin word "ballota," which relates to a small ball and refers historically to the act of voting involving spheres or balls before the current paper ballot system was established.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Voto (vote) - Papel de votación (voting paper)

Antonyms: - Abstención (abstention) - Ninguna opción (no option)

This comprehensive overview highlights the significant aspects of the word "balota," enhancing understanding within the relevant domains of general and legal contexts.
