bancaza - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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bancaza (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. "Dinghy"
  2. "Small boat"

Meaning and Usage

The term "bancaza" refers to a type of small boat or dinghy used in nautical contexts. It is commonly used in Spanish-speaking countries to describe small, open boats that can be used for a variety of purposes, from fishing to day trips. The frequency of use is moderate, and it is likely to be encountered more in oral speech than in formal written language.

Example Sentences

  1. "La bancaza nos llevó a la playa durante el fin de semana."
    "The dinghy took us to the beach over the weekend."

  2. "El capitán ordenó a la tripulación que preparara la bancaza para el viaje."
    "The captain ordered the crew to prepare the dinghy for the trip."

  3. "Siempre es divertido pasear en la bancaza por el lago."
    "It's always fun to row the dinghy on the lake."

Idiomatic Expressions

While "bancaza" itself does not feature prominently in idiomatic expressions, it can be included in phrases related to leisure on water or fishing. Here are some idiomatic expressions and contextual phrases:

  1. "Estar en una bancaza"
    (To be in a small boat)
    "A veces, estar en una bancaza en el mar puede ser más emocionante que en un gran yate."
    "Sometimes, being in a small boat at sea can be more thrilling than being on a large yacht."

  2. "Remar en la bancaza"
    (To row in the dinghy)
    "Remar en la bancaza es una forma excelente de ejercitarse."
    "Rowing in the dinghy is an excellent way to exercise."

  3. "Zarpar en la bancaza"
    (To set sail in the dinghy)
    "Zarpamos en la bancaza al amanecer para pescar."
    "We set sail in the dinghy at dawn to go fishing."


The word "bancaza" is derived from the Spanish word "banco," which refers to a bench or a small boat. It is likely influenced by maritime terminology and has evolved in context to specifically denote a type of small boat.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - "Dinghy" (in English) - "Barca" (boat)

Antonyms: - "Barco" (ship) - "Yate" (yacht)

Overall, "bancaza" encapsulates a practical and enjoying aspect of nautical life, representing leisure and recreational boating activities.
