barato - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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barato (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "barato" in Spanish means something that has a low price or cost. It is used to describe items that are affordable or not expensive. The term is common in both spoken and written Spanish and has a high frequency of use, particularly in shopping contexts or when discussing prices. It may appear more often in everyday conversation when discussing bargains or deals.

Example Sentences

Idiomatic Expressions

"Barato" is often used in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish, emphasizing affordability or the concept of something being a good deal. Here are some examples:

  1. Más barato que un chicle
    Cheaper than a gum
  2. Este restaurante es más barato que un chicle.
    This restaurant is cheaper than a gum.

  3. Te sale más barato
    It costs you less

  4. Si compras al por mayor, te sale más barato.
    If you buy in bulk, it costs you less.

  5. Lo barato sale caro
    The cheap may turn out to be expensive

  6. A veces, lo barato sale caro si no tiene buena calidad.
    Sometimes, the cheap may turn out to be expensive if it lacks quality.

  7. Cosechar lo que siembras
    To harvest what you sow (implying that cheap choices can lead to negative consequences)

  8. Si siempre eliges lo barato, cosecharás lo que siembras en calidad.
    If you always choose cheap, you'll reap what you sow in quality.


The word "barato" comes from the Latin "baratus," which itself is derived from "baratum" meaning cheap or inexpensive. Over time, it has evolved in the Spanish language but has retained its core meaning.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Económico (Economic) - Accesible (Accessible) - Asequible (Affordable)

Antonyms: - Caro (Expensive) - Costoso (Costly) - Valioso (Valuable)

In summary, "barato" is a widely used adjective in Spanish that conveys affordability and is an important term in discussions related to commerce and consumer choices. Its contributions to idiomatic expressions further underline its relevance in everyday communication.
