"Barbarie" in Spanish refers to acts or conditions that are considered savage, brutal, or uncivilized. It is used to describe behavior that goes against societal norms of decency, often in contexts involving violence, cruelty, or a lack of civilization. "Barbarie" can also pertain to cultural or intellectual backwardness. This term is relatively formal and is often found in written contexts more than in colloquial, daily speech.
The war left a mark of savagery on the country.
La barbarie de sus acciones fue condenada por todos.
The brutality of his actions was condemned by everyone.
Es inaceptable que en pleno siglo XX, todavía exista la barbarie en algunas partes del mundo.
"Barbarie" is not commonly featured in fixed idiomatic expressions, yet it is frequently used in phrases describing actions or practices viewed negatively:
Example: Vivir en la barbarie es negarse a aceptar los avances de la civilización.
Actuar con barbarie
Example: Actuar con barbarie solo traerá más sufrimiento a la humanidad.
Desvanecer en la barbarie
The word "barbarie" originates from the Latin word barbaria, which is derived from barbarus, meaning "foreign," "strange," or "savage." Over time, it evolved in Spanish to describe inhumane or uncultured behavior.
Synonyms: - Brutalidad (brutality) - Salvajismo (savagery) - Crueldad (cruelty)
Antonyms: - Civilización (civilization) - Cultura (culture) - Humanidad (humanity)