barquillo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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barquillo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "barquillo" refers primarily to a thin, crisp wafer or cone often used to serve ice cream. In Spanish-speaking countries, barquillos are commonly associated with desserts and sweet treats. They are typically used in both oral and written contexts, although they may appear more frequently in culinary descriptions and menus due to their specific usage in dessert preparations.

Example Sentences

  1. "Me encanta comer helado en un barquillo."
    "I love eating ice cream in a cone."

  2. "Los barquillos son perfectos para acompañar un café."
    "Wafers are perfect for accompanying a coffee."

  3. "Ella compró una caja de barquillos para la fiesta."
    "She bought a box of wafers for the party."

Idiomatic Expressions

While "barquillo" itself may not be heavily featured in idiomatic expressions, the concept of "barquillo" is often associated with sweetness and lightness in descriptions and phrases related to enjoyment or pleasure. Here are a few examples involving related contexts:

  1. "En un barquillo de dulce se ha convertido esta reunión."
    "This meeting has turned into a sweet wafer."

  2. "La vida es como un barquillo, a veces dulce y a veces crujiente."
    "Life is like a wafer, sometimes sweet and sometimes crunchy."

  3. "No todo es miel sobre barquillos en la vida."
    "Not everything is honey on wafers in life." (Meaning that life is not always pleasant or sweet.)


The term "barquillo" originates from the diminutive form of "barco," which means "boat." This is possibly due to the shape of the wafer resembling a small boat. The use of the suffix "-illo" often indicates something small or delicate in Spanish.



While antonyms are more challenging to define for a noun like "barquillo," one could consider: - Comida pesada (heavy food) - Postre denso (dense dessert)

This structure provides comprehensive information about the word "barquillo," helping you understand its usage, meanings, and related linguistic elements in detail.
