barriada - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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barriada (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Barriada is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The term barriada typically refers to a neighborhood, often characterized as being lower-income or informal settlements. The word is frequently used in the context of urban studies, sociology, and discussions about housing and socio-economic issues.

In terms of usage frequency, barriada tends to be more common in written contexts, particularly in academic and social discussions, although it is also used in oral conversation in specific communities or by individuals discussing related topics.

Example Sentences

  1. La barriada donde crecí ha cambiado mucho en los últimos años.
    The neighborhood where I grew up has changed a lot in recent years.

  2. Muchas personas en la barriada enfrentan problemas de vivienda.
    Many people in the slum face housing issues.

  3. El gobierno está intentando mejorar la infraestructura en la barriada.
    The government is trying to improve the infrastructure in the neighborhood.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word barriada is often involved in idiomatic expressions related to community and social conditions. Here are a few common idiomatic expressions:

  1. Vivir en una barriada
    To live in a neighborhood (often implying a disadvantaged area).
    Muchas personas optan por vivir en una barriada para estar cerca de su lugar de trabajo.
    Many people choose to live in a neighborhood to be close to their workplace.

  2. Salir de la barriada
    To leave the neighborhood (implying to escape difficult circumstances).
    Él ha estado trabajando duro para salir de la barriada y mejorar su vida.
    He has been working hard to escape from the slum and improve his life.

  3. La vida en la barriada
    Life in the neighborhood (often reflecting struggles and community spirit).
    La vida en la barriada es dura, pero todos se ayudan mutuamente.
    Life in the neighborhood is hard, but everyone helps each other.

  4. Construir una barriada
    To build a neighborhood (often referring to informal settlements).
    Los voluntarios decidieron construir una barriada para ayudar a los desplazados.
    The volunteers decided to build a shantytown to help the displaced.


The term barriada is derived from barrio, which traces back to the Arabic word barriyy, meaning "land outside the city." Over time, barrio has come to refer to neighborhoods, and barriada has evolved to specifically denote areas that may lack formal infrastructure and resources.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Barrio - Asentamiento (settlement) - Poblado (town)

Antonyms: - Ciudad (city) - Zona residencial (residential area)

This information provides a detailed understanding of the term barriada, its uses, and implications in the Spanish language.
