barriga - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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barriga (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "barriga" refers to the belly or stomach area of a human or animal. It can denote both the front part of the body that houses the digestive organs and a more colloquial sense of being overweight or having a large abdomen. "Barriga" is commonly used in both oral and written forms, and it is a frequently used term in everyday conversation.

Example Sentences

  1. La barriga se me ha hecho más grande desde que empecé a comer postres.
  2. My belly has gotten bigger since I started eating desserts.

  3. El médico me dijo que debo cuidar mi barriga para mantenerme saludable.

  4. The doctor told me that I must take care of my stomach to stay healthy.

  5. Ella siempre se ríe y dice que tiene una barriga de embarazada.

  6. She always laughs and says that she has a pregnant belly.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Barriga" is a part of several idiomatic expressions in Spanish that convey different meanings:

  1. Barriga llena, corazón contento.
  2. English: Full belly, happy heart.
  3. Interpretation: This expression suggests that being well-fed leads to happiness.

  4. No tener barriga.

  5. English: To not have a belly.
  6. Interpretation: This means to be fit or to have a flat stomach.

  7. A barriga llena, pie ligero.

  8. English: A full stomach, a light foot.
  9. Interpretation: This implies that when one is well-fed, they are more efficient or have more energy.

  10. Barriga de oro.

  11. English: Belly of gold.
  12. Interpretation: This can refer to someone who loves to eat or enjoys gourmet food.


The word "barriga" comes from the Latin "barica," a term that also referred to the belly. Its usage evolved in the Spanish language to denote the specific area of the body.

Synonyms and Antonyms

The usage of "barriga" in various contexts illustrates its versatility in both casual conversations and more formal discussions related to health or anatomy.
