The word "basar" is a verb.
In the Spanish language, "basar" is primarily used to indicate the act of establishing or grounding something on a particular basis or foundation. It often relates to arguments, theories, or legal documents that need a firm foundation or rationale. The word is commonly used in both spoken and written contexts but may appear more frequently in formal or academic settings, particularly in legal, scientific, and argumentative discourses.
El informe se basa en datos estadísticos y estudios previos.
The report is based on statistical data and previous studies.
Debemos basar nuestra decisión en la ley vigente.
We must base our decision on the current law.
Ella basa su argumento en el principio de justicia.
She bases her argument on the principle of justice.
"Basar" is included in various idiomatic expressions, particularly concerning foundations, reasoning, or principles. Here are some examples:
Basar algo en hechos contundentes.
To base something on solid facts.
Basar la discusión en argumentos lógicos.
To base the discussion on logical arguments.
Basar la relación en la confianza mutua.
To base the relationship on mutual trust.
Basarse en la evidencia.
To be based on evidence.
Basar su éxito en la dedicación.
To base one's success on dedication.
Basar su postura en principios éticos.
To base one's stance on ethical principles.
The word "basar" originates from the Latin "basa," which means "base" or "foundation." The evolution of the term reflects its current usage pertaining to underpinning arguments or concepts.
This structure provides a comprehensive overview of the word "basar" in the requested context.