bastidor - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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bastidor (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "bastidor" is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning of the Word

In Spanish, "bastidor" primarily refers to a frame or support structure, often used in the context of painting to hold canvas, or in construction to provide support. It can also refer to a stretcher in medical contexts, such as for carrying patients. The frequency of usage tends to be higher in written contexts, especially in art and construction, but it can also be encountered in oral discussions about these subjects.

Example Sentences

  1. El artista preparó el bastidor antes de comenzar a pintar.
  2. The artist prepared the frame before starting to paint.

  3. Necesitamos un bastidor resistente para el nuevo proyecto de construcción.

  4. We need a sturdy frame for the new construction project.

  5. El médico usó un bastidor para transportar al paciente herido.

  6. The doctor used a stretcher to transport the injured patient.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "bastidor" itself is not commonly found in fixed idiomatic expressions, its application in different contexts leads to phrases that illustrate its versatile use.

  1. Llevar a alguien en el bastidor.
  2. To carry someone on the stretcher.
  3. This phrase can refer to physically transporting someone who is incapacitated.

  4. Montar la tela en el bastidor.

  5. To mount the fabric on the frame.
  6. This is frequently used in the context of preparing a canvas for painting.

  7. Construir un bastidor para la obra.

  8. To build a frame for the work.
  9. Used in artistic or architectural discussions, indicating the necessity of structural support.


The word "bastidor" originates from the Latin "vastitor," which means frame or support. It reflects the role of a supporting structure in both artistic and practical applications.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Estructura (structure) - Armazón (framework) - Soporte (support)

Antonyms: - Desmontaje (disassembly) - Desestructura (deconstruction)

Overall, "bastidor" encompasses a range of meanings and contexts, making it a versatile term in Spanish used primarily in artistic and construction settings, as well as in medical scenarios.
