batata - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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batata (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "batata" primarily refers to a sweet potato, a starchy root vegetable known for its sweetness and versatility in cooking. In different regions, particularly in the Rio de la Plata area, "batata" can also be used to mean "yam." The term is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, with a greater tendency for oral use in everyday conversation.

Example Sentences

  1. En la cena, preparé un puré de batata.
  2. For dinner, I made a sweet potato puree.

  3. Voy a comprar batatas en el mercado para hacer una ensalada.

  4. I’m going to buy sweet potatoes at the market to make a salad.

  5. La batata es un ingrediente típico en muchas recetas caribeñas.

  6. Sweet potato is a typical ingredient in many Caribbean recipes.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "batata" itself is not widely used in idiomatic expressions, it may feature in culturally specific sayings or colloquialisms in certain regions. However, here are a few phrases that might include "batata":

  1. "No seas batata."
  2. "Don't be a sweet potato." (This could be used colloquially to imply not being naive or overly complacent.)

  3. "Estás más feliz que una batata."

  4. "You are happier than a sweet potato." (Used to describe someone extremely happy.)

  5. "Echar batatas al fuego."

  6. "Throw sweet potatoes on the fire." (This could imply about taking risks or facing challenges.)


The word "batata" comes from the Taíno language, which was spoken by the indigenous people of the Caribbean. It originally described the sweet potato plant, and the term has been adopted into various languages, including Spanish.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Camote (in some regions) - Yuca (in some contexts, though it refers to cassava)

Antonyms: - No direct antonym, as it is a specific type of vegetable, but one could argue that generic terms for "vegetable" might serve as broad antonyms.

Overall, "batata" is a culturally significant term in various Spanish-speaking countries, especially within culinary contexts and casual conversations.
