bautizo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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bautizo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Bautizo is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription

/bawˈt̪iθo/ (in Spain) or /bɔˈt̪iːθo/ (in Latin America)

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

Bautizo refers to a religious ceremony in which a person is formally initiated into a faith, particularly in Christianity, through the use of water. This ritual symbolizes purification, regeneration, and admission to the community of believers.

In the Spanish language, "bautizo" is primarily used in religious contexts, though it can also appear in metaphorical or colloquial phrases where it signifies an initiation into a new experience or phase.

Frequency of Use

The term "bautizo" is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, particularly within religious discussions. It is also common in family or cultural contexts, especially related to events like the baptism of a child.

Example Sentences

Idiomatic Expressions

Although "bautizo" is mostly used in a literal sense, it can also appear in idiomatic expressions related to initiation or starting something new. Here are some examples:

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions


The word "bautizo" comes from the Latin baptismus, which in turn derives from the Greek baptisma, meaning "immersion" or "washing". This reflects the act of immersion in water which is symbolic in baptism practices.

Synonyms and Antonyms



By understanding the term "bautizo," we can appreciate its cultural significance, especially within communities that practice religious rituals associated with initiation and belonging.
