bayoneta - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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bayoneta (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Bayoneta is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options

In English, bayoneta translates to: - Bayonet

Meaning and Usage

Bayoneta refers to a blade that can be attached to the muzzle of a rifle or firearm, essentially transforming the gun into a spear for close-combat situations. The term is predominantly used in military contexts, though it may occasionally appear in historical or general discussions about weaponry.

The frequency of use in Spanish is specialized, primarily occurring in written military texts, historical documents, or discussions about weaponry. It is not commonly used in casual conversation unless the subject is relevant.

Example Sentences

  1. La soldado cargó su rifle con una bayoneta lista para el combate.
  2. The soldier loaded her rifle with a bayonet ready for combat.

  3. Durante la batalla, los soldados utilizaron la bayoneta para luchar cuerpo a cuerpo.

  4. During the battle, the soldiers used the bayonet to fight hand-to-hand.

  5. La historia menciona que la bayoneta fue uno de los inventos más útiles en la guerra.

  6. History mentions that the bayonet was one of the most useful inventions in warfare.

Idiomatic Expressions

While bayoneta itself does not appear in many idiomatic expressions, the concept of combat or confrontation often utilizes similar themes. Here are some expressions related to confrontation or conflict that might use or relate to the idea of a bayonet:

  1. Ir con la bayoneta entre los dientes.
  2. To go with the bayonet between the teeth.
  3. This idiom means to go into a situation ready to fight or confront challenges bravely.

  4. Luchar a brazo partido.

  5. To fight with a party of arms.
  6. This phrase refers to engaging in a fierce struggle, much like a physical confrontation with weapons.

  7. Bajo el fuego cruzado.

  8. Under crossfire.
  9. This expression is used when someone is caught in a conflict between two opposing sides, much like being in a battlefield armed with a bayonet.


The word bayoneta originates from the French term baïonnette, which itself is derived from the town of Bayonne in France, where the knife was reportedly invented. This term references the evolution of the weaponry and the adaptation of knives into military use.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive overview provides insight into the word bayoneta, illustrating its significance in military terminology while touching on its usage in both historical and modern contexts.
