becerro de oro - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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becerro de oro (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

"Becerro de oro" refers to a golden calf, which is a term that originates from the Bible. In modern Spanish, it is often used metaphorically to represent idolatry or the worship of materialism. The phrase is utilized primarily in written contexts, but can occasionally be found in spoken language, especially in discussions regarding ethics, morality, and consumerism.

Example Sentences

  1. Los seguidores del nuevo culto adoraban al becerro de oro en lugar de a Dios.
    The followers of the new cult worshiped the golden calf instead of God.

  2. El becerro de oro simboliza la avaricia y el culto al materialismo.
    The golden calf symbolizes greed and the worship of materialism.

  3. En tiempos modernos, el becerro de oro puede ser interpretado como la obsesión por el dinero.
    In modern times, the golden calf can be interpreted as the obsession with money.

Idiomatic Expressions

The phrase "becerro de oro" is indeed used in various idiomatic expressions that imply the notion of false idols, excess, or materialism.

  1. No pongas tu confianza en el becerro de oro, lo importante es tu integridad.
    Don't put your trust in the golden calf; what matters is your integrity.

  2. La carrera por el dinero puede convertirse en un becerro de oro para muchas personas.
    The race for money can become a golden calf for many people.

  3. Él vendió su alma por el becerro de oro de la fama.
    He sold his soul for the golden calf of fame.

  4. El gobierno se ha convertido en un becerro de oro para los intereses económicos.
    The government has become a golden calf for economic interests.

  5. La publicidad presenta un becerro de oro que muchos persiguen sin pensar.
    Advertising presents a golden calf that many chase without thinking.


The term "becerro de oro" comes from the biblical story found in the book of Exodus, where the Israelites, feeling abandoned by Moses, create a golden calf to worship. The phrase has since entered popular discourse to criticize materialism and misplaced faith.

Synonyms and Antonyms
