bejuco - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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bejuco (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Bejuco is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Context

Bejuco refers to a type of vine or climbing plant. In Spanish, it is typically associated with plants that have fibrous or flexible stems that allow them to grow upward and cling to structures for support. The term is most commonly used in botany and agriculture. It describes plants that can be of significant utility, such as in crafts or for medicinal uses.

Frequency of Use: The word is used more frequently in written texts, particularly in agricultural, botanical contexts or discussions related to nature. However, it can also be used in oral conversations regarding gardening or landscaping.

Example Sentences

  1. El bejuco crece rápidamente en el jardín de mi abuela.
  2. The vine grows quickly in my grandmother's garden.

  3. Necesitamos un bejuco resistente para hacer una cerca natural.

  4. We need a sturdy creeper to make a natural fence.

  5. Los bejucos son fundamentales en la construcción de algunos tipos de cestas.

  6. Vines are essential in the construction of certain types of baskets.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "bejuco" itself may not be commonly found in many idiomatic expressions, it's often associated with phrases regarding growth, flexibility, and resilience, particularly in agricultural or naturalist contexts. Here are some expressions involving related themes:

  1. Tener más fuerza que un bejuco.
  2. To have more strength than a vine.
  3. Refers to someone who is very strong or resilient.

  4. Crecer como un bejuco.

  5. To grow like a vine.
  6. Used to describe something or someone that expands rapidly or spreads widely.

  7. Aguantar como un bejuco.

  8. To withstand like a vine.
  9. To endure or hold up well under pressure.


The word bejuco has its origins in the Spanish language, derived from the Taino word “beyuco,” which referred to a type of climbing plant. Over time, it has been integrated into the Spanish lexicon to specifically denote climbing vines and their related meanings.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Enredadera (twining plant) - Liana (climbing plant)

Antonyms: - Árbol (tree) - Arbusto (bush)

This comprehensive overview provides a clear understanding of the word "bejuco," its uses, meanings, and relevant contexts within the Spanish language.
