beldad - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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beldad (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Beldad is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

Beldad refers to the quality of being beautiful or lovely, often used to describe a person, object, or even a situation that has an aesthetic appeal. It is a somewhat archaic or literary term, thus it is used more in written contexts, especially in poetry or formal writing, rather than in everyday conversational language. The frequency of its use in modern Spanish is quite limited, as more common terms like "belleza" (beauty) have largely replaced it in spoken language.

Example Sentences

  1. La beldad de la naturaleza es algo que nunca deja de asombrarme.
    The beauty of nature is something that never ceases to amaze me.

  2. Sus ojos eran la beldad que hipnotizaba a todos a su alrededor.
    Her eyes were the beauty that hypnotized everyone around her.

  3. La beldad de su voz resonaba en toda la sala.
    The loveliness of her voice resonated throughout the room.

Idiomatic Expressions

Though "beldad" itself is not frequently used in idiomatic expressions, there are a few phrases that revolve around the concept of beauty:

  1. De beldad y de buen ver
    Of beauty and good looks.
  2. Ella es de beldad y de buen ver, lo que la hace destacar entre la multitud.
    She is of beauty and good looks, which makes her stand out in the crowd.

  3. La beldad no lo es todo
    Beauty is not everything.

  4. Siempre le digo que la beldad no lo es todo, la personalidad también cuenta.
    I always tell her that beauty is not everything; personality also matters.

  5. Beldad en el arte
    Beauty in art.

  6. La beldad en el arte puede evocar emociones profundas.
    Beauty in art can evoke deep emotions.

  7. Más que una beldad
    More than just a beauty.

  8. Ella es más que una beldad; su inteligencia es igual de impresionante.
    She is more than just a beauty; her intelligence is equally impressive.


The word beldad derives from the Latin word bellus, meaning "pretty" or "handsome." It evolved in Old Spanish to refer to the concept of beauty.

Synonyms and Antonyms


