belga - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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belga (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Belga" is an adjective in Spanish, and it can also serve as a noun to refer to a person from Belgium.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word "belga" pertains to anything related to Belgium, including its culture, language, or people. It is widely used in both oral and written contexts. In oral speech, it may be used when discussing travel, culture, or referring to Belgian people or things.

Frequency of Use

"Belga" is commonly used, especially in contexts related to nationality, culture, or when discussing Belgian products such as chocolate and beer.

Example Sentences

  1. Los chocolates belgas son famosos en todo el mundo.
    Belgian chocolates are famous around the world.

  2. Mi amigo es belga y habla tres idiomas.
    My friend is Belgian and speaks three languages.

  3. He probado la cerveza belga y me encantó.
    I tried Belgian beer, and I loved it.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "belga" itself might not lend itself to many idiomatic expressions, it can be integrated into phrases referring to Belgian culture or characteristics. Here are some relevant examples:

  1. A la belga, los valientes no tienen fronteras.
    In the Belgian way, the brave have no borders. (referring to the open-mindedness often associated with Belgian culture)

  2. Los belgas son conocidos por su arte y arquitectura.
    Belgians are known for their art and architecture. (making inclusivity of the Belgian culture)


The word "belga" comes from the Latin "Belgae," which denoted a group of tribes in ancient Gaul. The term has evolved to refer to the inhabitants of present-day Belgium.

Synonyms and Antonyms



By providing information about "belga," including its usage, idiomatic expressions, and cultural significance, one can gain a comprehensive understanding of this term in Spanish.
