belicoso - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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belicoso (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word belicoso is an adjective in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Belligerent
  2. Warlike
  3. Aggressive
  4. Pugnacious

Meaning and Usage

Belicoso refers to a person or entity that is inclined to fight or engage in conflict. It often conveys a sense of hostility or a readiness to engage in war or disputes. In Spanish, the term is used both in a literal sense (concerning warfare) and in a figurative sense (concerning arguments or disputes). It is relatively common in both oral and written contexts, but may appear more frequently in literary or formal discussions due to its somewhat elevated tone.

Example Sentences

  1. El clima belicoso entre las dos naciones llevó a un aumento en las tensiones.
  2. The belligerent climate between the two nations led to an increase in tensions.

  3. Su actitud belicosa no favoreció la resolución pacífica del conflicto.

  4. His warlike attitude did not favor a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

  5. Aunque parezca belicoso, solo defiende lo que considera justo.

  6. Although he may seem aggressive, he is just defending what he considers right.

Idiomatic Expressions

Belicoso is not commonly featured in set idiomatic expressions but can be used in various contexts to convey aggression or conflict. Here are some examples:

  1. Forjar un carácter belicoso
  2. Forjar un carácter belicoso a menudo conduce a problemas en las relaciones.
  3. Forging a belligerent character often leads to problems in relationships.

  4. Tener un espíritu belicoso

  5. Tener un espíritu belicoso puede ser útil en competiciones deportivas.
  6. Having a belligerent spirit can be useful in sports competitions.

  7. Un ambiente belicoso en el trabajo

  8. Crear un ambiente belicoso en el trabajo solo causará estrés.
  9. Creating a belligerent atmosphere at work will only cause stress.

  10. Atitud belicosa en la política

  11. La actitud belicosa en la política puede dividir aún más a la población.
  12. The belligerent attitude in politics can further divide the population.


The word belicoso originates from the Latin word “bellicosus,” which is derived from “bellum,” meaning war. This etymology reflects the intrinsic connection between the word and themes of conflict and aggression.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms - Agresivo - Bélico - Provocador - Combativo

Antonyms - Pacífico - Tranquilo - Amistoso - Conciliante
