beligerante - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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beligerante (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Beligerante is an adjective and also a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word beligerante is used to describe someone who is hostile, aggressive, or inclined to engage in conflict. In legal or military contexts, it describes parties involved in warfare or armed conflict. The term can indicate both a physical and metaphorical readiness for conflict.

In everyday Spanish, it's used less commonly in oral communication and more frequently in written contexts, particularly within discussions of military law or international relations.

Example Sentences

  1. El país se volvió beligerante tras la declaración de guerra.
  2. The country became belligerent after the declaration of war.
  3. Su actitud beligerante creó tensión en la discusión.
  4. His belligerent attitude created tension in the discussion.
  5. Los beligerantes en el conflicto no mostraron signos de reconciliación.
  6. The belligerents in the conflict showed no signs of reconciliation.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term beligerante is not extensively used in idiomatic expressions, but here are relevant expressions that capture its essence:

  1. Estar en una postura beligerante.
  2. To be in a belligerent stance.
  3. This phrase conveys the idea of adopting an aggressive or confrontational approach in a situation.

  4. Actuar de manera beligerante.

  5. To act in a belligerent manner.
  6. Refers to someone who behaves aggressively or provocatively.

  7. Una solución beligerante no siempre es la mejor.

  8. A belligerent solution is not always the best one.
  9. This expression highlights that aggressive approaches may not yield the best outcomes.


The term beligerante comes from the Latin word belligerans, which is the present participle of belligerare, meaning "to wage war." The root bellum means "war," which contributes to its associations with conflict and aggression.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Agresivo (aggressive) - Hostil (hostile) - Combatiente (combatant in certain contexts)

Antonyms: - Pacífico (peaceful) - Amigable (friendly) - Conciliador (conciliatory)

This comprehensive overview of beligerante highlights its meanings, uses across different contexts, along with idiomatic expressions, etymology, synonyms, and antonyms.
