bendecir - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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bendecir (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "bendecir" is a verb.

Phonetic Transcription

/bendeˈθiɾ/ (in Castilian Spanish) or /bendeˈsir/ (in Latin American Spanish).

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Bendecir" refers to the act of invoking divine favor or protection upon a person, thing, or occasion. It is commonly used in both religious contexts, such as blessings carried out by clergy, and in everyday expressions where one wishes well to others.

The frequency of use is relatively high, especially within religious ceremonies, family gatherings, or significant events where blessings are deemed appropriate. The word is often used in oral speech due to its cultural and emotional significance, although it can also appear in written contexts, particularly in religious texts or literature.

Example Sentences

  1. Los padres decidieron bendecir a su hijo en su bautizo.
  2. The parents decided to bless their son at his baptism.

  3. Antes de la comida, siempre nos gusta bendecir la mesa.

  4. Before the meal, we always like to bless the table.

  5. El sacerdote fue llamado para bendecir la nueva casa.

  6. The priest was called to bless the new house.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Bendecir" is commonly found in various idiomatic expressions in the Spanish language, often signifying good wishes or protection.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Bendecir el trabajo: Significa dar gracias por un buen día en el trabajo.
  2. "Es importante bendecir el trabajo que tenemos y valorar lo que hacemos."
  3. "It is important to bless the work we have and value what we do."

  4. Bendecir el hogar: Es desear felicidad y paz en el hogar.

  5. "Siempre bendecimos el hogar de nuestros amigos en cada visita."
  6. "We always bless the home of our friends during every visit."

  7. Bendecir en la adversidad: Implica ver lo positivo incluso en tiempos difíciles.

  8. "Aprendí a bendecir en la adversidad y a encontrar lecciones en cada problema."
  9. "I learned to bless in adversity and find lessons in every problem."

  10. Bendecir las relaciones: Referido a desear buenos deseos para las relaciones interpersonales.

  11. "Es fundamental bendecir las relaciones que construimos en nuestra vida."
  12. "It is essential to bless the relationships we build in our lives."


The term "bendecir" originates from the Latin "benedictio," which means 'a good word' or 'blessing.' The prefix "bene-" means 'well' or 'good', and "dicere" means 'to say'. Over time, this evolved into the Spanish word as part of the vernacular, maintaining its religious connotation.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive analysis of the word "bendecir" should provide you with a clear understanding of its uses, meanings, and implications in the Spanish language.
