beneficiado - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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beneficiado (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Beneficiado" is a noun and an adjective in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Beneficiado" is commonly used in legal and clerical contexts, referring to a person or entity that receives a benefit or advantage from a particular action or scheme. The word can be seen in various legal documents and discussions surrounding rights, entitlements, or benefits granted to individuals or groups.

Frequency of Use: It is more frequently used in written contexts, especially in legal and formal texts.

Example Sentences

  1. El beneficiado de la herencia debe cumplir con todas las obligaciones fiscales.
  2. The beneficiary of the inheritance must fulfill all tax obligations.

  3. Los beneficiados por el programa de asistencia recibirán apoyo financiero.

  4. The beneficiaries of the assistance program will receive financial support.

  5. Es importante identificar al beneficiado en el contrato.

  6. It is important to identify the beneficiary in the contract.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "beneficiado" itself is not commonly featured in idiomatic expressions, it can be part of phrases that convey the concept of receiving benefits or advantages. Here are a few expressions and example sentences:

  1. Ser un beneficiado
    "Siempre se ha considerado un beneficiado en la empresa por sus conexiones."
  2. "He has always been considered a beneficiary in the company due to his connections."

  3. Beneficiado por la ley
    "Todos los ciudadanos son beneficiados por la ley, sin importar su situación económica."

  4. "All citizens are beneficiaries of the law, regardless of their economic situation."

  5. Beneficiado de un favor
    "Se sintió como un beneficiado de un favor cuando su amigo lo recomendó para el trabajo."

  6. "He felt like a beneficiary of a favor when his friend recommended him for the job."


The word "beneficiado" derives from the Spanish verb "beneficiar," which means "to benefit." The root comes from the Latin "beneficium," which means "benefit."

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Beneficiario (in the context of beneficiary) - Agradable (when used adjectively, meaning pleasant or favorable)

Antonyms: - Perjudicado (which means "harmed" or "damaged") - Desfavorecido (which means "disadvantaged")

By understanding these aspects of the term "beneficiado," you can better navigate its use across different contexts in Spanish language.
