benevolente - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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benevolente (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "benevolente" is used to describe someone who is inclined to do good or to show kindness and goodwill towards others. It often carries a connotation of generosity and a desire to help.

Frequency of Use

"Benevolente" is a relatively formal term, typically used more in written contexts like literature, academic texts, or formal speeches than in casual spoken interactions. However, it can also be encountered in more elevated conversational contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. Su actitud benevolente siempre alegra a los demás.
  2. (His benevolent attitude always cheers others up.)

  3. La benevolente ayuda de la comunidad fue crucial tras el desastre.

  4. (The benevolent help from the community was crucial after the disaster.)

  5. La directora del orfanato es conocida por su carácter benevolente.

  6. (The director of the orphanage is known for her benevolent character.)

Idiomatic Expressions

While "benevolente" does not frequently appear in widely recognized idiomatic expressions, its meaning contributes significantly to various phrases that emphasize kindness or generosity.

Examples of Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Tener un corazón benevolente.
  2. (To have a benevolent heart.)
  3. Meaning: To be someone who is kind and generous.

  4. Actuar con benevolencia.

  5. (To act with benevolence.)
  6. Meaning: To behave in a kind and generous manner.

  7. La benevolencia no tiene fronteras.

  8. (Benevolence knows no borders.)
  9. Meaning: Kindness and generosity are universal values and should be extended to everyone.

  10. Un gesto benevolente puede cambiar el día de alguien.

  11. (A benevolent gesture can change someone's day.)
  12. Meaning: Kind acts can positively impact others' lives.

  13. En tiempos difíciles, es importante ser benevolente.

  14. (In difficult times, it is important to be benevolent.)
  15. Meaning: It is essential to show kindness and support during challenging times.


The term "benevolente" comes from the Latin "benevolentem," which is a combination of "bene," meaning "well" or "good," and "velle," meaning "to wish." Thus, it directly translates to "to wish well," embodying the essence of kindness and goodwill.

Synonyms and Antonyms


