bicarbonato - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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bicarbonato (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Bicarbonato" is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Bicarbonato" refers to a chemical compound consisting of one part carbon, one part hydrogen, and three parts oxygen—commonly known as sodium bicarbonate or baking soda. It is used in various contexts, including medicine (as an antacid or to manage certain metabolic conditions), cooking (as a leavening agent), and even cleaning.

In Spanish, “bicarbonato” is a frequently used term, especially in culinary and medicinal contexts. It tends to appear more in written texts due to its technical nature but is also sufficiently common in oral conversation among those knowledgeable about cooking or medicine.

Example Sentences

  1. "El bicarbonato se usa frecuentemente en la cocina para hacer que los pasteles suban."
    "Bicarbonate is frequently used in cooking to make cakes rise."

  2. "El médico recomendó un tratamiento con bicarbonato para aliviar la acidez estomacal."
    "The doctor recommended a treatment with bicarbonate to relieve stomach acidity."

Idiomatic Expressions

While "bicarbonato" itself is not exceedingly common in idiomatic expressions, it can appear in health-related phrases or cooking contexts. Here are some examples incorporating the term:

  1. "Hacer bicarbonato de sodio en casa es un truco de cocina que todos deberían saber."
    "Making baking soda at home is a cooking trick that everyone should know."

  2. "Si tienes indigestión, un vaso de agua con bicarbonato puede ayudar."
    "If you have indigestion, a glass of water with bicarbonate can help."

  3. "El bicarbonato es un remedio casero para neutralizar los olores en la nevera."
    "Bicarbonate is a home remedy to neutralize odors in the fridge."

  4. "Usamos bicarbonato para equilibrar el pH del agua en la piscina."
    "We use bicarbonate to balance the pH of the water in the pool."


The word "bicarbonato" comes from the combination of "bi-" (meaning two) and "carbonato" (carbonate). In chemistry, this reflects the fact that bicarbonate can be viewed as a carbonate with an additional hydrogen ion.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Carbonato de sodio (Sodium carbonate) - Soda

Antonyms: Bicarbonato is a specific chemical compound, and therefore it does not have direct antonyms as it is not a comparative term. However, in a broader sense in certain contexts, other chemical agents that are acidic could be considered opposing in function, such as "ácido clorhídrico" (hydrochloric acid).
