bicho - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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bicho (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Bicho" is primarily a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Bug
  2. Insect
  3. Creature
  4. Critter

Meaning and Usage

In the Spanish language, "bicho" commonly refers to small creatures such as insects or bugs. In some contexts, especially in colloquial speech, it can also refer to a strange person or a peculiar situation. The word is used frequently in both oral and written contexts, although it tends to appear more often in casual conversations.

Example Sentences

  1. ¡Mira ese bicho en el jardín!
  2. Look at that bug in the garden!

  3. No puedo creer lo que dijo ese bicho en la reunión.

  4. I can’t believe what that weird guy said in the meeting.

  5. Siempre hay un bicho que molesta en cada fiesta.

  6. There’s always a critter that gets annoying at every party.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Bicho" is often used in various idiomatic expressions, especially in informal settings. Below are some examples:

  1. Bicho raro
  2. No seas bicho raro, únete a nosotros.
  3. Don’t be a weirdo, join us.

  4. Bicho sin cabeza

  5. Estaba tan confundido que parecía un bicho sin cabeza.
  6. He was so confused that he looked like a headless bug.

  7. El bicho del miedo

  8. No dejes que el bicho del miedo te detenga.
  9. Don’t let the fear bug hold you back.

  10. Bicho malo

  11. Hay que tener cuidado con el bicho malo que anda suelto.
  12. We must be careful of the bad bug that is on the loose.


The term "bicho" likely originates from the Latin word "beccius," which referred to a small living organism. Over time, it evolved in the Spanish language to encompass various meanings pertaining primarily to small creatures.


