bien que - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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bien que (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

“Bien que” is a conjunction in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

/bjen ˈke/

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

“Bien que” is used to introduce a subordinate clause that expresses a concession. It indicates that the action or situation in the subordinate clause contrasts with, or does not prevent the action or situation in the main clause.

“Bien que” is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, but it is more prevalent in written language, particularly in formal writing, literature, and academic texts.

Example Sentences

  1. Bien que estuviera cansado, decidió ir a la fiesta.
  2. Although he was tired, he decided to go to the party.

  3. Bien que no le guste el frío, viajó a la montaña en invierno.

  4. Even though he doesn't like the cold, he traveled to the mountains in winter.

  5. Bien que haya llovido, el evento se mantuvo.

  6. Though it rained, the event went on.

Idiomatic Expressions

“Bien que” can also be part of larger idiomatic expressions, especially those expressing concessions or contrasts. Here are some examples incorporating "bien que":

  1. Bien que no te guste, la verdad es que tienes que aceptarlo.
  2. Although you don't like it, the truth is that you have to accept it.

  3. Bien que tarde, siempre llega a la reunión.

  4. Though he is late, he always arrives at the meeting.

  5. Bien que a veces sea difícil, es necesario seguir adelante.

  6. Even though it’s sometimes difficult, it’s necessary to move forward.

  7. Bien que tenga miedo, no puedo dejar de intentarlo.

  8. Although I am afraid, I cannot stop trying.

  9. Bien que no haya logrado sus metas, sigue luchando.

  10. Even though he hasn’t achieved his goals, he keeps fighting.


The phrase "bien que" combines "bien," derived from Latin "bene," meaning "well," and "que," which comes from Latin "quod," meaning "that." It has evolved to express a concession in the Spanish language.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Aunque (Although) - A pesar de que (Despite that)

Antonyms: - Porque (Because) - Ya que (Since)

By understanding the phrase "bien que," its subtle nuances, and its usage in both formal and informal contexts, speakers can express complex ideas about contrast and concession more effectively in Spanish.
