bisel - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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bisel (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The word bisel refers to an edge or surface that has been cut at an angle to the main surface, creating a sloped edge. It is commonly used in various contexts, including construction, carpentry, and design. The term is frequently encountered in technical settings, particularly in fields related to engineering, architecture, and craftsmanship. Its usage is prevalent in written texts, such as manuals and specifications, but it can also appear in spoken contexts among professionals discussing technical aspects.

Example Sentences

  1. El carpintero hizo un bisel en la esquina de la tabla para que encajara mejor.
  2. The carpenter beveled the corner of the board so it would fit better.

  3. La ventana tiene un bisel decorativo que le da un toque elegante a la casa.

  4. The window has a decorative bevel that gives an elegant touch to the house.

  5. Para el diseño del mueble, decidimos utilizar un bisel en todas las aristas.

  6. For the furniture design, we decided to use a bevel on all the edges.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term bisel is not commonly used in idiomatic expressions; however, it plays a significant role in technical jargon within specific fields. That said, here are a couple of phrases that may include the word:

  1. "Hacer un bisel a medida" se refiere a personalizar la inclinación de una superficie para un acabado específico.
  2. "To make a custom bevel" refers to customizing the angle of a surface for a specific finish.

  3. "Biselado para mayor precisión" indica que las piezas han sido tratadas para encajar con mayor exactitud.

  4. "Beveled for greater precision" indicates that the pieces have been treated to fit more accurately.


The term bisel comes from the Old French word bisel, which also denotes a beveled edge. This, in turn, likely has roots in the Latin word bise, meaning "two," related to the dual angles formed at the cut.

Synonyms and Antonyms


