blasfemia - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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blasfemia (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


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Meaning and Usage

Blasfemia refers to the act of speaking sacrilegiously about God or sacred things, often involving disrespect or irreverence. This term is commonly used in both religious contexts and legal discussions pertaining to freedom of speech versus the sanctity of religious beliefs.

In terms of usage, "blasfemia" is frequently found in written texts, especially in legal frameworks, theological discussions, and literature. However, it can also occur in oral discussions, particularly among individuals debating religious or ethical matters.

Example Sentences

  1. La blasfemia se castigaba severamente en la antigua sociedad.
    Blasphemy was severely punished in ancient society.

  2. Muchos consideran que la libertad de expresión no debe incluir la blasfemia.
    Many consider that freedom of speech should not include blasphemy.

  3. La obra de teatro fue criticada por su clara blasfemia.
    The play was criticized for its clear blasphemy.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "blasfemia" itself is not widely used in idiomatic expressions, it may feature in phrases that convey disrespect or inappropriate language towards religion. Below are some constructions that relate to the theme of "blasfemia":

  1. "Decir algo que roza la blasfemia"
    To say something that borders on blasphemy
  2. Algunas personas piensan que cuestionar la religión es decir algo que roza la blasfemia.
    Some people think that questioning religion is to say something that borders on blasphemy.

  3. "Cometer blasfemia contra los dioses"
    To commit blasphemy against the gods

  4. En muchas culturas, cometer blasfemia contra los dioses puede tener consecuencias muy graves.
    In many cultures, committing blasphemy against the gods can have very serious consequences.

  5. "Vivir en blasfemia"
    To live in blasphemy

  6. El personaje de la novela vive en blasfemia, desafiando todas las creencias tradicionales.
    The character in the novel lives in blasphemy, challenging all traditional beliefs.


The word "blasfemia" comes from the Latin "blasphemia," which in turn is derived from the Greek "blasphēmía," meaning "slander" or "injury to divine." The root words involve "blaptein," meaning "to hurt, to injure," and "phēmē," meaning "speech" or "report."

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Sacrilegio (sacrilege) - Irreverencia (irreverence)

Antonyms: - Reverencia (reverence) - Devoción (devotion)

This comprehensive overview presents "blasfemia" as a significant term with roots in religion and law that reflects broader societal values surrounding freedom of speech and respect for beliefs.
