The term "boceto" refers to a preliminary drawing, sketch, or draft that serves as a model or an outline for a more completed work. It is commonly used in the domains of art, design, architecture, and writing. "Boceto" is a frequently used term in both oral and written contexts, particularly among artists, students, and professionals in creative fields.
The artist presented a sketch of his new work.
Antes de comenzar a escribir, siempre hago un boceto de mis ideas.
Before I start writing, I always make a draft of my ideas.
El arquitecto mostró un boceto del edificio que planea construir.
While "boceto" might not appear in as many idiomatic expressions directly, it is related to the creative processes often described in various phrases. Here are some contexts in which it may be used:
It is important to make a sketch before starting the project.
Un boceto de ideas.
The team needs a draft of ideas for the final presentation.
El boceto del futuro.
The word "boceto" is derived from the Italian word "bozzetto," which means a small sketch or preliminary drawing. The root itself traces back to the Latin word "bocca," which means "mouth," relating metaphorically to the opening or beginning of the artistic process, akin to how a mouth opens to speak or express ideas.