"Bordado" refers to the art or technique of decorating fabric with needle and thread to create images or patterns. This word is frequently used in both colloquial and general contexts, particularly in discussions of fashion, textiles, and crafts. The term holds quite a common place in both oral speech and written contexts; however, it may be more prevalent in written contexts when discussing techniques, styles, or history.
The embroidery on his shirt is very detailed.
Aprendí a hacer bordado en clase de manualidades.
I learned to do embroidery in my crafts class.
El bordado tradicional de esta región se transmite de generación en generación.
While "bordado" itself is not commonly associated with a wealth of idiomatic expressions, it may appear in phrases that relate to skillful work or delicacies in craft. Below are a few expressions where "bordado" can be included or related phrases:
To do an embroidery of gold (to create something exceptionally beautiful or valuable).
Bordado a mano.
Hand-embroidered (referring to something made with exceptional care and craft).
Bordado sobre bordado.
This blanket has a gold embroidery that makes it unique.
El vestido lleva un bordado a mano que es impresionante.
The dress features a hand-embroidered design that is impressive.
En el taller de bordado sobre bordado, aprendí técnicas muy interesantes.
The word "bordado" originates from the Spanish verb "bordar," which means "to embroider." This verb comes from the Vulgar Latin "*bordare," which is related to "burdare," a term used in medieval texts referring to embroidery techniques.
Synonyms: - Costura (sewing) - Adorno (adornment) - Decoración (decoration)
Antonyms: - Despojar (to strip) - Deshacer (to undo/remove) - Despojo (removal, stripping away)
This comprehensive overview provides a detailed understanding of the word "bordado", its usage, and its significance in Spanish language and culture.