bordo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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bordo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Bordo" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

In the Spanish language, "bordo" generally refers to the side or edge of an object. Its usage varies between different contexts: - In nautical terms, it specifically refers to the sides of a ship. - In general contexts, it may denote an edge or the border of something.

The word is fairly common in both oral speech and written contexts, especially in nautical and military jargon. It's used frequently in everyday conversations when describing the limits or sides of various objects or scenarios.

Example Sentences

  1. El bordo del barco estaba cubierto de sal.
    (The edge of the boat was covered in salt.)

  2. Caminamos cerca del bordo del precipicio.
    (We walked near the edge of the cliff.)

  3. Asegúrate de no sentarte en el bordo.
    (Make sure not to sit on the edge.)

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "bordo" is not typically found in many idiomatic expressions by itself, but it can be part of expressions implying limits or boundaries. Here are a few relevant idiomatic uses:

  1. Ir a bordo
    "Siempre voy a bordo antes de que salga el barco."
    (I always go on board before the boat departs.)

  2. Estar en el bordo de (algo)
    "Estamos en el bordo de una nueva era tecnológica."
    (We are on the brink of a new technological era.)

  3. Saltar por el bordo
    "No puedes simplemente saltar por el bordo sin pensar en las consecuencias."
    (You can't just jump off the edge without thinking about the consequences.)


The word "bordo" comes from the Latin "bordus," which refers to the side or edge of a vessel. Over time, it adapted in the Spanish language to encompass more general usages regarding edges or sides.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Lateral (lateral) - Borde (edge) - Costado (side)

Antonyms: - Centro (center) - Medio (middle) - Interior (interior)

This comprehensive overview of the word "bordo" includes relevant aspects such as its meaning, usage, idiomatic expressions, and additional linguistic details.
