bosquejo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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bosquejo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Bosquejo is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

Bosquejo refers to a rough or preliminary drawing, an outline for a plan, document, or project. In the legal context, it can mean a draft of a legal document or a preliminary summary of arguments or points to be addressed. The term is commonly used both in oral and written forms but may appear more frequently in written contexts, especially in academic, artistic, or professional discussions.

Frequency of Use: Bosquejo is used quite frequently in academic and creative environments, especially in contexts where ideas are being developed or structured.

Example Sentences

  1. El profesor pidió un bosquejo del ensayo antes de la entrega final.
  2. The teacher requested a sketch of the essay before the final submission.

  3. El bosquejo de la ley se presentó al parlamento para su aprobación.

  4. The draft of the law was presented to the parliament for approval.

  5. Para la reunión, necesito un bosquejo de los puntos que vamos a discutir.

  6. For the meeting, I need an outline of the points we are going to discuss.

Idiomatic Expressions

Bosquejo isn't typically used in many idiomatic expressions, but it can be a part of phrases related to drawing or outlining ideas. Here are some related expressions and their meanings:

  1. Hacer un bosquejo
  2. "Hacer un bosquejo de un proyecto es el primer paso hacia su realización."
  3. "Making an outline of a project is the first step towards its realization."

  4. Bosquejo de ideas

  5. "El bosquejo de ideas que proporciona el equipo ayudará en la ejecución del plan."
  6. "The outline of ideas provided by the team will aid in executing the plan."

  7. Bosquejo de un plan

  8. "El bosquejo de un plan estratégico es crucial para el éxito de la empresa."
  9. "The outline of a strategic plan is crucial for the success of the company."


The word bosquejo comes from the Spanish verb bosquejar, which means "to sketch" or "to outline." It has roots in the Latin word "boscum," which refers to a grove or forest, suggesting a connection to something that is initially unrefined or in development, similar to a sketch that is not finished.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Esbozo (sketch, draft) - Proyecto (project) - Plan (plan)

Antonyms: - Finalización (completion) - Conclusión (conclusion) - Ejecución (execution)
