"Botar" is a Spanish verb that means to throw away, discard, or drop something. It is used commonly in both spoken and written contexts, although its usage can vary depending on the region. It tends to appear more often in informal spoken language.
In everyday life, "botar" is frequently used in contexts involving waste disposal or getting rid of something no longer needed. It can apply to physical objects, such as trash or belongings, but can also be used metaphorically in expressions regarding dismissing ideas or people.
Voy a botar esta caja de cartón.
I am going to throw away this cardboard box.
No debes botar la comida, siempre se puede reciclar.
You shouldn't dump food, it can always be recycled.
El capitán decidió botar el ancla antes de que llegara la tormenta.
The captain decided to drop the anchor before the storm arrived.
The verb "botar" is often present in Spanish idiomatic expressions:
Botar la casa por la ventana
To throw the house out the window (to spend extravagantly or go all out).
Ejemplo: Cuando ganó la lotería, botó la casa por la ventana y organizó una gran fiesta.
(When he won the lottery, he threw the house out the window and threw a big party.)
Botar humo
To throw smoke (to be very angry or furious).
Ejemplo: Cuando se enteró de la mentira, botó humo de la rabia.
(When he found out about the lie, he was furious.)
Botar el tiempo
To throw away time (to waste time).
Ejemplo: No puedes botar el tiempo en cosas triviales si quieres tener éxito.
(You can't waste time on trivial things if you want to succeed.)
Botar la toalla
To throw in the towel (to give up or surrender).
Ejemplo: A pesar de las dificultades, no quiero botar la toalla.
(Despite the difficulties, I don’t want to give up.)
The word "botar" comes from the Latin "buttare," which means "to throw or cast." The evolution of its meaning has preserved the physical act of throwing, extending it into various idiomatic contexts.