bufo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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bufo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Bufo" is primarily used as a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Toad
  2. Buffoon (in a different context as an adjective)

Meaning and Usage

In the general context, "bufo" refers to a type of amphibian commonly known as a toad. It typically has a dry, warty skin and is often found in various habitats, often near water sources. The term can also be used in some contexts to describe a person acting foolishly or comically, akin to the English word "buffoon."

In terms of frequency of use, "bufo" is more commonly used in oral speech than in written contexts, mostly as a term relating to wildlife, though its idiomatic usage can appear in various conversational scenarios.

Example Sentences

  1. Los bufos son animales interesantes que pueden vivir tanto en tierra como en agua.
    Toads are interesting animals that can live both on land and in water.

  2. En la noche, es común escuchar a los bufos croar cerca del lago.
    At night, it is common to hear toads croaking near the lake.

  3. El bufo que encontré en el jardín era mucho más grande de lo que esperaba.
    The toad I found in the garden was much larger than I expected.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Bufo" is used in some idiomatic expressions in Spanish, particularly in colloquial speech.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. No seas bufo:
    Don't be foolish.
    (Used to advise someone against acting senselessly.)

  2. Hacer el bufo:
    To act like a buffoon.
    (Describes someone acting in a silly or ridiculous manner.)

  3. Un bufo en el cuento:
    A fool in the story.
    (Referring to someone who plays a foolish role.)

  4. Caer en lo bufo:
    To fall into foolishness.
    (Used when someone makes a naive mistake.)

  5. Ser un bufo de circo:
    To be a circus buffoon.
    (Used to describe someone who seeks attention through foolish behavior.)


The word "bufo" comes from the Latin word "bufō" which means "toad." The Latin root is tied to amphibians, particularly those of the family Bufonidae, that are characterized by dry, bumpy skin.

Synonyms and Antonyms

- Sapo (Spanish term for "frog" but can sometimes refer to toads in a more general context).

- Rana (which refers specifically to a "frog," showing a distinction from "toad").
