bulla - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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bulla (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Bulla is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, bulla refers to a loud noise or uproar, often created by a group of people or an event. The word is commonly used in both written and oral contexts, but it tends to be more prevalent in informal spoken language. It signifies a sense of chaos or lively commotion, often in a fun or festive setting.

Example Sentences

  1. La bulla en la fiesta era insoportable.
    (The noise at the party was unbearable.)

  2. No puedes concentrarte con tanta bulla afuera.
    (You can't concentrate with all that noise outside.)

  3. La bulla del mercado siempre me anima.
    (The hubbub of the market always cheers me up.)

Idiomatic Expressions

Bulla is also found in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish, reflecting different aspects of noise, chaos, or commotion.

  1. Hacer bulla
    Meaning: To make a lot of noise or fuss.
    Example: Los niños siempre hacen bulla cuando juegan.
    (The children always make a lot of noise when they play.)

  2. Estar en bulla
    Meaning: To be in a noisy or chaotic environment.
    Example: La clase estaba en bulla durante el recreo.
    (The classroom was in chaos during recess.)

  3. No dejar bulla
    Meaning: To not disturb or make noise.
    Example: Trata de no dejar bulla cuando entrés.
    (Try not to make noise when you enter.)


The word bulla stems from Latin bulla, meaning "bubble" or "blister," which could imply a sense of swelling or loudness, aligning with the concept of uproar. Its evolution stayed connected to the idea of noise, leading to its modern-day use.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Ruido (Noise) - Alboroto (Commotion) - Jaleo (Ruckus)

Antonyms: - Silencio (Silence) - Calma (Calm) - Quietud (Quietness)
