caña - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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caña (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Cane
  2. Reed
  3. Sugarcane
  4. Stick (as in a stick of any material)

Meaning and Usage

The word "caña" has multiple meanings in the Spanish language, depending on the context in which it is used. Generally, it refers to a long, thin stick or a type of cylindrical object. In a botanical context, "caña" often refers to sugarcane. In various Latin American countries, it can also refer colloquially to a beer (e.g., "una caña" for a small beer). The term is used frequently in both oral and written contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. Spanish: Siempre llevamos una caña cuando vamos a pescar.
    English: We always take a cane when we go fishing.

  2. Spanish: La caña de azúcar es fundamental en la economía de muchos países.
    English: Sugarcane is fundamental to the economy of many countries.

  3. Spanish: Pedí una caña en el bar para refrescarme.
    English: I ordered a small beer at the bar to cool off.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "caña" is commonly used in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish. Here are a few:

  1. Caña de azúcar
    Meaning: Refers specifically to sugarcane, emphasizing its economic importance.
    Sentence: La caña de azúcar se cultiva intensivamente en el Caribe.
    Translation: Sugarcane is intensively cultivated in the Caribbean.

  2. Echarle caña
    Meaning: To put in effort or pressure; often used in the context of work or studies.
    Sentence: Debo echarle caña a mis estudios para aprobar el examen.
    Translation: I must put in extra effort in my studies to pass the exam.

  3. Dar caña
    Meaning: To give someone a hard time or to exert pressure; can also mean to encourage someone energetically.
    Sentence: El entrenador siempre da caña a los jugadores para que mejoren.
    Translation: The coach always gives the players a hard time to help them improve.


The term "caña" originates from the Latin word "canna," which refers to a cane or reed. The development of the word has retained its core meanings related to long, thin objects, particularly in the plant context.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Bastón (cane/stick) - Vara (pole) - Palo (stick)

Antonyms: - Montante (bracket/support - in a structural context, where it refers to strength or thickness) - (Not much in direct antonyms, as "caña" is specific and context-dependent)

Overall, "caña" shows the versatility of the Spanish language in incorporating words that can have numerous meanings based on context, making it a rich term for daily conversations and specialized discussions alike.
