cabalgata - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cabalgata (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Cabalgata is a noun (feminine).

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

Cabalgata refers to a festive procession or parade, typically involving a group of horse riders, often part of celebrations, festivals, or specific cultural events. The term is frequently used in a cultural context, particularly during events such as Christmas or local festivities in Spain and Latin America.

In terms of frequency, cabalgata is more often encountered in written contexts (like event announcements or festival programs) but can also be used in casual oral speech when discussing various public celebrations.

Example Sentences

  1. La cabalgata de Reyes es una tradición muy esperada en muchas ciudades de España.
    (The Three Kings' cavalcade is a highly anticipated tradition in many cities in Spain.)

  2. La cabalgata avanzó por las calles llenas de espectadores emocionados.
    (The parade moved through the streets filled with excited spectators.)

  3. Durante la cabalgata, los niños pudieron ver a sus personajes favoritos en vivo.
    (During the cavalcade, the children were able to see their favorite characters live.)

Idiomatic Expressions

Cabalgata is not a term that is heavily featured in idiomatic expressions, but it can appear in phrases related to festivities or celebrations. Here are a few expressions:

  1. Ir en cabalgata - To go in a parade.
    Ejemplo: "Nos invitaron a ir en cabalgata por el centro de la ciudad."
    (They invited us to go in the parade through the city center.)

  2. La cabalgata de los reyes - The Three Kings procession, a significant event in Spanish-speaking cultures.
    Ejemplo: "La cabalgata de los reyes trae alegría a todos los niños."
    (The Three Kings procession brings joy to all the children.)

  3. Una cabalgata de luces - A parade of lights, often referring to festive celebrations with illuminating displays.
    Ejemplo: "La cabalgata de luces en diciembre siempre es espectacular."
    (The parade of lights in December is always spectacular.)


The word cabalgata is derived from the Spanish verb cabalgar, which means "to ride (a horse)." The roots of the verb can be traced back to the Latin word caballus, meaning "horse." Thus, the term evolved to denote a procession involving riders.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Desfile (parade) - Procesión (procession)

Antonyms: - Parada (stop) - as a lack of movement or gathering. - Desaparecer (disappear) - in terms of lacking presence or visibility.

This comprehensive overview of cabalgata illustrates its meanings, uses, and cultural significance in the Spanish language, as well as related expressions that embody its festive connotations.
