caballa - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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caballa (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options Into English

  1. Horse mackerel (a type of fish)
  2. Mare (less common usage)

Meaning and Usage

The word "caballa" primarily refers to a species of fish known as horse mackerel, which is commonly found in both the Atlantic and Mediterranean waters. In a broader sense, "caballa" can also refer to a mare in some Spanish-speaking regions, although this usage is less common.

In the context of fishing and cuisine, caballa is often used in recipes and discussions about seafood. It is not an everyday word for many, so its frequency of use is moderate, predominantly appearing in written form, such as menus, recipes, and fishing articles.

Example Sentences

  1. Las caballas son muy populares en la cocina mediterránea.
    (Horse mackerels are very popular in Mediterranean cuisine.)

  2. El pescador atrapó varias caballas en su última salida al mar.
    (The fisherman caught several horse mackerels on his last trip to the sea.)

  3. La caballa es un pescado azul, rico en ácidos grasos omega-3.
    (The horse mackerel is a blue fish, rich in omega-3 fatty acids.)

Idiomatic Expressions

While "caballa" isn't commonly used in many idiomatic expressions, it can occasionally appear in phrases related to fishing culture or seafood. Here are a few sentences that may touch on related topics:

  1. El que no arriesga, no gana, como al pescar caballas.
    (He who does not take risks does not win, just like when fishing for horse mackerels.)

  2. Estaba tan feliz como un niño que ha atrapado su primera caballa.
    (He was as happy as a child who caught his first horse mackerel.)

  3. No hay mal que por bien no venga, como cuando se alejan las caballas y llegan los atunes.
    (There’s no evil that doesn’t come for good, just like when the horse mackerels leave and the tunas arrive.)


The term "caballa" originates from the Latin word "caballus," which means "horse." The transition from "horse" to "horse mackerel" presumably relates to the fish's long, sleek shape resembling a horse in some way.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Caballa (in the context of fish) can be synonymous with "jurel" (another type of fish, often translated as "jacks") in some regions.

Antonyms: - There are no direct antonyms for "caballa," as it is a specific noun referring to a type of fish.

In summary, "caballa" serves primarily as a name for horse mackerel in culinary and fishing contexts, with moderate usage mainly in writing.
