caballeriza - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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caballeriza (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Sustantivo (noun)

Phonetic Transcription

/kabaʎeˈɾiθa/ (for Spain)
/kabaʎeˈɾiːza/ (for Latin America)

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

Caballeriza refers specifically to a building or structure where horses are kept. It can also mean "stable" in a broader sense, encompassing the idea of a place where animals, particularly horses, are housed.

In Spanish, the word can be used in various contexts, including agriculture, equestrian sports, and animal husbandry. It is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, particularly in discussions about farming, horses, and related activities.

Example Sentences

  1. La caballeriza está ubicada cerca del campo.
  2. The stable is located near the field.

  3. Los caballos pasan la noche en la caballeriza.

  4. The horses spend the night in the stable.

  5. Vamos a limpiar la caballeriza antes de alimentar a los caballos.

  6. Let's clean the stable before feeding the horses.

Idiomatic Expressions

While caballeriza itself is not frequently found in idiomatic expressions, it is often used in phrases related to horse care and management. Here are a few examples with explanations:

  1. Hacer una caballeriza del trabajo
  2. To create a stable work environment.
  3. Meaning: To establish a reliable and safe workplace.

  4. Estar en una caballeriza

  5. To be in a stable condition (used figuratively).
  6. Meaning: To be in a safe and secure situation.

  7. Asegurarse de que la caballeriza esté limpia

  8. Make sure the stable is clean.
  9. Meaning: To ensure that all things are organized and well-kept, can be used metaphorically for other areas of life or work.

  10. Salirse de la caballeriza

  11. To step out of the stable.
  12. Used figuratively to mean stepping out of one's comfort zone or familiar environment.


The word caballeriza comes from the Spanish word caballo, which means "horse." The suffix -iza is often used in Spanish to denote a place related to or where something is kept. Thus, caballeriza can be interpreted literally as "place for horses."

Synonyms and Antonyms

Sinónimos (Synonyms):
- establo (stable)
- corral (pen)

Antónimos (Antonyms):
- libertad (freedom)
- desalojo (eviction, in a context suggesting removal from a stable)

This encapsulates the essential information regarding the word caballeriza, its usage, and its nuances in the Spanish language.
