cabalmente - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cabalmente (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Cabalmente is an adverb.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Adequately
  2. Properly
  3. Correctly

Meaning and Usage

Cabalmente means to do something in a complete, proper, or adequate manner, indicating that an action has been performed thoroughly, precisely, or satisfactorily. It is often used in contexts where the precision or completeness of an action is highlighted. The frequency of use is moderate, and it is more common in written contexts, such as formal writing and literature, than in everyday spoken language.

Example Sentences

  1. La tarea fue realizada cabalmente antes de la fecha límite.
  2. The task was completed adequately before the deadline.

  3. Necesitamos actuar cabalmente para evitar problemas futuros.

  4. We need to act properly to avoid future problems.

  5. El informe fue elaborado cabalmente, cumpliendo con todos los requisitos.

  6. The report was prepared correctly, meeting all the requirements.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "cabalmente" itself is not commonly found in many idiomatic expressions, the concept of completeness or adequacy is often contextualized in phrases that emphasize thoroughness or proper execution. Here are a few sentences that encapsulate that idea alongside "cabalmente":

  1. Hicieron su trabajo cabalmente, como se espera de un buen profesional.
  2. They did their job adequately, as is expected of a good professional.

  3. Si estudias cabalmente, lograrás tus objetivos académicos.

  4. If you study properly, you will achieve your academic goals.

  5. Al negociar, es fundamental que cabalmente comprendas todos los términos.

  6. In negotiating, it is essential that you properly understand all the terms.

  7. La presentación fue cabalmente ejecutada, lo que impresionó al público.

  8. The presentation was properly executed, which impressed the audience.

  9. Para tener éxito, es crucial que se planifique cabalmente cada etapa del proyecto.

  10. To be successful, it is crucial that each stage of the project is properly planned.


The word cabalmente derives from the Spanish adjective "cabal," which means "complete" or "perfect," and is rooted in the Latin word "capalis," meaning "of capacity." The suffix "-mente" is a common adverbial ending in Spanish that transforms adjectives into adverbs.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Adecuadamente - Correctamente - Perfectamente

Antonyms: - Inadecuadamente (inadequately) - Incorrectamente (incorrectly) - Impropio (improperly)
