cabana - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cabana (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "cabaña" is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Cabin
  2. Shack
  3. Hut

Meaning and Usage

In the Spanish language, "cabaña" refers to a small, simple house or shelter, usually situated in a rural or natural setting. It is often associated with a rustic or charming quality. The word is commonly used to describe vacation homes, retreats in the countryside, or temporary structures used in outdoor activities.

Regarding its frequency of use, "cabaña" is relatively common in both spoken and written contexts, often appearing in discussions about nature, travel, and leisure activities. It may occur more frequently in conversational contexts, especially when discussing vacations or camping.

Example Sentences

  1. Vamos a pasar el fin de semana en una cabaña en el bosque.
    We're going to spend the weekend in a cabin in the forest.

  2. La cabaña estaba decorada con muebles rústicos.
    The cabin was decorated with rustic furniture.

  3. Construyeron una cabaña de madera junto al lago.
    They built a wooden hut by the lake.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "cabaña" is not prominently featured in many idiomatic expressions, but it is connected to a sense of escape and leisure. Here are a few idiomatic expressions and their usages:

  1. Cabaña de verano
    Summer cabin
  2. Siempre pasamos nuestras vacaciones en la cabaña de verano de mis abuelos.
    We always spend our vacations at my grandparents' summer cabin.

  3. Cabaña de madera
    Wooden cabin

  4. Me encantaría tener una cabaña de madera en la montaña.
    I would love to have a wooden cabin in the mountains.

  5. Cabaña de retiro
    Retreat cabin

  6. Conseguimos una cabaña de retiro para meditar y relajarnos.
    We got a retreat cabin to meditate and relax.

  7. Cabaña del amor
    Love cabin (referring to a romantic getaway)

  8. Pasamos un fin de semana en una cabaña del amor lejos de todo.
    We spent a weekend in a love cabin away from everything.


The word "cabaña" comes from the Late Latin capanna, which means a hut or cabin. This Latin term is derived from the Proto-Indo-European root kap, meaning to cover or conceal. Over time, the word evolved into its current form in Spanish.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Refugio (refuge) - Choza (shack) - Casita (small house)

Antonyms: - Mansión (mansion) - Edificio (building) - Palacio (palace)
