cabelludo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cabelludo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Cabelludo" is an adjective in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

The word "cabelludo" can be translated to English as "hairy" or "haired."

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "cabelludo" describes something or someone who has a lot of hair. It is commonly used to refer to beings or things that are characterized by an abundance of hair. The term can be used both in a literal sense, to describe mammals or humans with a thick head of hair, and figuratively, in various contexts including literary and humorous situations.

The frequency of "cabelludo" is moderate. It is more often found in written contexts, particularly in literary usages, descriptive texts, or informal conversations.

Example Sentences

  1. El perro que adoptamos es muy cabelludo y necesita un buen cepillado.
    (The dog we adopted is very hairy and needs a good brushing.)

  2. El cabelludo árbol del jardín se ve excelente en primavera.
    (The hairy tree in the garden looks excellent in spring.)

  3. Ella siempre se ríe de su primo cabelludo que parece un artista de rock.
    (She always laughs at her hairy cousin who looks like a rock artist.)

Idiomatic Expressions

While "cabelludo" is not an integral part of many idiomatic expressions, it can be contextualized in various phrases that describe appearances or characteristics.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. "Estar como un cabelludo"
    (To be like a hairy person) - Used to describe someone who looks unkempt.
    Translation: To be looking very messy/hairy.

  2. "Se le nota el cabelludo"
    (His/her hairiness is noticeable) - Used to indicate that someone's hair is particularly prominent.
    Translation: His/her bushy hair is very noticeable.

  3. "Como un cabelludo en un día de viento"
    (Like a hairy person on a windy day) - Used metaphorically to describe someone unprepared for a sudden situation.
    Translation: Like a hairy person caught off-guard on a windy day.


The term "cabelludo" comes from the Spanish word "cabello," which means "hair," combined with the suffix "-udo," which indicates abundance or a large amount. Therefore, it directly relates to the concept of having an abundance of hair.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive overview provides a detailed understanding of the word "cabelludo" within the Spanish language, its usages, idiomatic contexts, and related linguistic features.
