cabestrillo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cabestrillo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

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Meaning and Usage

The word "cabestrillo" refers to a type of support or sling used to immobilize and support injured limbs, typically an arm. It is commonly used in medical and therapeutic contexts. In Spanish, it is predominantly a written term, although it can also be encountered in oral speech, especially in conversations regarding injuries or medical care. The frequency of use can vary, but it is a recognized term within medical circles and general discussions around first aid.

Example Sentences

  1. El médico le colocó un cabestrillo para inmovilizar su brazo roto.
    (The doctor put a sling on him to immobilize his broken arm.)

  2. Es importante usar un cabestrillo después de una fractura para facilitar la recuperación.
    (It is important to use a sling after a fracture to facilitate recovery.)

  3. Ella se siente más cómoda con el cabestrillo que le dieron en la emergencia.
    (She feels more comfortable with the sling they gave her in the emergency room.)

Idiomatic Expressions

While "cabestrillo" isn't widely used in idiomatic expressions, it can be related to phrases that involve support or protection. Here are a few related expressions:

  1. Estar en cabestrillo - Esta expresión se utiliza para referirse a alguien que está con un brazo en un cabestrillo debido a una herida.
    (To be in a sling - This expression is used to refer to someone who has an arm in a sling due to an injury.)

  2. Tomar el cabestrillo en serio - Significa aceptar las limitaciones que impone una lesión.
    (To take the sling seriously - It means to accept the limitations imposed by an injury.)

  3. Más vale un cabestrillo que un yeso - Se refiere a que es mejor tener un soporte temporal que arriesgarse a un tratamiento más invasivo.
    (Better a sling than a cast - It refers to the idea that it's better to have a temporary support than to risk a more invasive treatment.)


The term "cabestrillo" originates from the Spanish word "cabestro," which historically referred to a rope or strap used to lead an animal. The suffix “-illo” is a diminutive form in Spanish, indicating a smaller or lesser version. The term evolved to refer specifically to a support device.

Synonyms and Antonyms


