cabestro - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cabestro (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Cabestro is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The term cabestro refers primarily to a halter used for leading or tethering animals, especially livestock like cattle or horses. In a broader context, it can also refer to something that restrains or leads.

Frequency of Use:
The word is relatively common in specific contexts, especially in rural or agricultural environments. Its use is more prevalent in written contexts, such as manuals or descriptions relating to farming, but it can also be found in oral contexts when discussing livestock handling.

Example Sentences

  1. El ganadero colocó un cabestro en la vaca para llevarla al corral.
    The rancher put a halter on the cow to take her to the pen.

  2. Necesito comprar un cabestro nuevo para el caballo, el viejo está desgastado.
    I need to buy a new lead for the horse; the old one is worn out.

  3. Con un cabestro se puede guiar a los animales de manera segura.
    With a halter, animals can be guided safely.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word cabestro can also appear in idiomatic expressions, although it is not as frequently used as more common terms in idioms.

  1. Ser más cabezón que un cabestro.
    To be more stubborn than a halter.
    This expression signifies someone who is very obstinate or hard-headed.

  2. Andar como un cabestro.
    To walk like a halter.
    This phrase can describe someone who is clumsy or not paying attention to where they are going.

  3. No tener ni un cabestro.
    To not have a single lead rope.
    This idiom refers to being completely broke or not having any money at all.


The word cabestro derives from the Latin word capistrum, which has the same meaning (a halter). Over time, it evolved in the Spanish language to refer specifically to animal restraint tools.

Synonyms and Antonyms

- Lazo (lasso)
- Correa (leash)

- Libertad (freedom)
- Autonomía (autonomy)

In summary, cabestro is an important term particularly in the context of animal husbandry. Understanding its usage and cultural context can enhance communication about livestock care and management in Spanish-speaking environments.
