cabeza - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cabeza (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "cabeza" is a feminine noun.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription of "cabeza" in International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is /kaˈβeθa/ or /kaˈbeza/ depending on the regional dialect.

Translation Options into English

The most common translations for "cabeza" include: - Head - Leader (in certain contexts) - Top (as in the top of an object)

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "cabeza" primarily refers to the anatomical part of the body where the brain, eyes, ears, nose, and mouth are situated. It is also used metaphorically to refer to someone in a leading position or the top part of an object. The frequency of use is quite high, both in spoken and written contexts, making it a common word in everyday language.

Example Sentences

  1. Ella se golpeó la cabeza contra la pared.
  2. She hit her head against the wall.

  3. El director es la cabeza del proyecto.

  4. The director is the head of the project.

  5. La cabeza del tornillo está dañada.

  6. The head of the screw is damaged.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "cabeza" appears in various idiomatic expressions in the Spanish language, reflecting its metaphorical meanings in different contexts.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Perder la cabeza
  2. Significado: Actuar de manera irracional o perder la cordura.
  3. Example: Perdí la cabeza cuando vi el resultado de mi examen.
  4. Translation: I lost my mind when I saw my exam results.

  5. No tener cabeza

  6. Significado: Ser desorganizado o olvidadizo.
  7. Example: No tengo cabeza hoy, olvidé mi cartera en casa.
  8. Translation: I'm absent-minded today; I forgot my wallet at home.

  9. Cabeza fría

  10. Significado: Mantener la calma en situaciones difíciles.
  11. Example: En la crisis, necesitamos cabeza fría para tomar decisiones.
  12. Translation: In the crisis, we need a cool head to make decisions.

  13. Ser la cabeza de turco

  14. Significado: Ser el chivo expiatorio en una situación.
  15. Example: No me hagas la cabeza de turco por sus errores.
  16. Translation: Don’t make me the scapegoat for their mistakes.


The word "cabeza" comes from the Latin "capitia," which is a diminutive of "caput," meaning "head."

Synonyms and Antonyms

In summary, "cabeza" is a multifaceted term that extends beyond its anatomical meaning, incorporating broader metaphorical and idiomatic uses in Spanish.
