cabeza de plátanos - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
ChatGPT AI Dictionary

cabeza de plátanos (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech:

Noun phrase.

Phonetic transcription:

/kabeθa de ˈplatanos/

Translation options into English:

  1. Head of bananas
  2. Bunch of bananas


"Cabeza de plátanos" literally translates to "head of bananas" in English. In Spanish, this term refers to a bunch or a cluster of bananas, typically used when referring to a group of bananas still attached to each other.

This phrase is more commonly used in oral speech rather than in written context.

Example sentences:

  1. Me gusta comprar una cabeza de plátanos en el mercado.
    Translation: I like to buy a bunch of bananas at the market.

  2. Por favor, trae una cabeza de plátanos para la ensalada.
    Translation: Please bring a bunch of bananas for the salad.

Idiomatic expressions:

There are no specific idiomatic expressions associated with "cabeza de plátanos."


Synonyms and Antonyms: