cabezalero - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cabezalero (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription

/kabeθaˈleɾo/ (pronounced as [kah-beh-sah-leh-ro])

Translation Options into English

  1. Head of the bed
  2. Header (in a legal context, refers to a part of a document)
  3. Cap-head (less common use)

Meaning and Usage

The term "cabezalero" primarily refers to a specific component in furniture, particularly relating to beds, which is the headboard or part of the bed structure that is positioned at the head of the bed. In legal contexts, it may refer to the header or title of a document. This term is not frequently used in everyday conversation and is more prevalent in written contexts, especially within the domains of furniture design and legal documentation.

Example Sentences

  1. El cabezalero de la cama es de roble.
    The headboard of the bed is made of oak.

  2. Asegúrate de que el cabezalero esté bien fijado.
    Make sure that the headboard is well secured.

  3. El cabezalero en un contrato debe ser claro y conciso.
    The header in a contract must be clear and concise.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "cabezalero" is not commonly found in idiomatic expressions. However, in some contexts, related idiomatic phrases might be used in legal language or to describe furniture arrangements.

Example Idiomatic Sentences

  1. El silencio es el mejor cabezalero para cada discusión.
    Silence is the best header for every discussion.

  2. Sin un buen cabezalero, el contrato puede carecer de dirección.
    Without a good header, the contract may lack direction.

  3. Piensa en el cabezalero como la primera impresión de tu documentación.
    Think of the header as the first impression of your documentation.


The word "cabezalero" is derived from the Spanish "cabezal," which translates to "head" as in the head of a bed. The suffix "-ero" is a common Spanish ending indicating possession or relation to the noun, thus meaning "related to the head."

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive overview provides insights into the word "cabezalero," including its meanings, uses, and context in the Spanish language, particularly within legal and furniture contexts.
