cabezas - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cabezas (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The word "cabezas" refers to the plural form of "cabeza," which means "head" in English. In Spanish, it is often used literally to refer to the anatomical part of a body, but it can also have metaphorical meanings depending on the context. For instance, it can refer to leaders or important figures in a group ("cabezas de familia" means "heads of family").

Frequency of Use: - The term is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, often in discussions regarding family structure, leadership, and even in idiomatic expressions.

Example Sentences

  1. Los cabezas de la familia se reunieron para discutir el futuro.
    The heads of the family gathered to discuss the future.

  2. En el partido, varias cabezas comenzaron a hablar sobre la estrategia.
    In the match, several heads started to talk about the strategy.

  3. Las cabezas pensantes del proyecto presentaron sus ideas al equipo.
    The brains behind the project presented their ideas to the team.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "cabezas" is frequently used in several idiomatic expressions in Spanish:

  1. Agrandar la cabeza:
    To get a swelled head.
    Usage: No deberías agrandar la cabeza solo por un premio.
    You shouldn’t get a swelled head just because of an award.

  2. Cabeza dura:
    Stubborn person.
    Usage: Es un cabeza dura y nunca acepta cambiar de opinión.
    He is a stubborn person and never accepts changing his mind.

  3. Echarle cabeza:
    To think carefully.
    Usage: Debes echarle cabeza antes de tomar esa decisión.
    You should think carefully before making that decision.

  4. Poner las cabezas en su lugar:
    To put heads together.
    Usage: Necesitamos poner las cabezas en su lugar para resolver este problema.
    We need to put our heads together to solve this problem.


The word "cabeza" originates from the Latin word "capitia," which itself is derived from "caput," meaning "head." The Spanish language has evolved from Latin, and this etymological lineage reflects the anatomical and metaphorical importance of the concept of "head" in various cultures.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Cabeza: (singular) - head - Cráneo: - skull - Mente: - mind (when used metaphorically)

Antonyms: - Pie: - foot (in a physical sense) - Cuerpo: - body (when referring generally without the head)

This comprehensive information covers the word "cabezas," its usage, meanings, idiomatic expressions, and more, providing a thorough understanding of the term within the Spanish language.
