cabezazo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cabezazo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The word cabezazo refers primarily to the act of striking something with the head or the action of using the head to hit an object or person, often seen in sports contexts such as soccer (football), where players use their heads to direct the ball. It is commonly encountered in both sports terminology and informal language.

The frequency of use is relatively high in oral contexts, especially in conversations discussing sports or informal situations involving playful head movements, though it can also appear in written contexts such as media reports about sports events.

Example Sentences

  1. El jugador dio un cabezazo y anotó el gol.
    The player made a headbutt and scored the goal.

  2. Me duele la cabeza porque me hice un cabezazo accidentalmente.
    My head hurts because I accidentally bumped my head.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term cabezazo can appear in several idiomatic expressions within Spanish, especially in colloquial speech related to sports or stubbornness.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Dar un cabezazo a la pared.
    To bang one's head against the wall.
    Meaning: To struggle fruitlessly with a problem.

  2. Cabezazo de oro.
    Golden headbutt.
    Meaning: A headbutt that results in a significant achievement, often used to refer to a crucial goal in a game.

  3. No hay que dar un cabezazo sin pensar.
    One should not act impulsively.
    Meaning: This expression suggests that one should not rush into a decision without thoughtful consideration.

  4. Quedarse con el cabezazo.
    To be left with the headbutt.
    Meaning: To be left to deal with the consequences of a poorly made decision.


The term cabezazo is derived from the Spanish word cabeza, meaning "head," combined with the diminutive suffix -azo, which is often used to indicate a blow or a hit. This gives the word its connotation of striking or hitting with the head.

Synonyms and Antonyms

In summary, the term cabezazo carries significant meaning in both physical and metaphorical contexts within the Spanish language, illustrating action, sports, and idiomatic expressions relevant to various situations.
