cabildeo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cabildeo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The term "cabildeo" refers to activities that involve lobbying or advocacy, typically aimed at influencing public policy or decision-making processes in governmental or political contexts. In Venezuelan legal and political discourse, it often encompasses activities wherein individuals or groups attempt to persuade lawmakers or officials to support specific causes or regulations.

In Spanish, "cabildeo" is used predominately in formal contexts, particularly within political, legal, and administrative discussions. The frequency of use tends to be higher in written text, such as legal documents, political analyses, and academic papers, compared to everyday oral conversation.

Example Sentences

  1. El cabildeo de varios grupos sociales ha influido en la legislación reciente.
    The lobbying of various social groups has influenced recent legislation.

  2. Muchas veces el cabildeo es crucial para obtener recursos del gobierno.
    Many times, lobbying is crucial to obtain resources from the government.

  3. Durante el cabildeo, se presentaron diversas propuestas que beneficiaban a la comunidad.
    During the lobbying, various proposals that benefited the community were presented.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "cabildeo" itself is a specific term, it can be found within contexts that include idiomatic expressions related to advocacy and lobbying. Here are some examples:

  1. Hacer cabildeo
  2. Los activistas están haciendo cabildeo en el congreso.
    (The activists are lobbying in Congress.)

  3. Cabildeo efectivo

  4. Un cabildeo efectivo puede cambiar la dirección de una política pública.
    (Effective lobbying can change the direction of public policy.)

  5. Cabildeo en la sombra

  6. El cabildeo en la sombra a menudo puede ser más poderoso que el oficial.
    (Shadow lobbying can often be more powerful than the official kind.)

  7. Cabildeo político

  8. El cabildeo político es una parte fundamental del proceso democrático en el país.
    (Political lobbying is a fundamental part of the democratic process in the country.)


The word "cabildeo" originates from the Spanish term "cabildero," which refers to a lobbyist or a person who engages in lobbying. The root "cabil-" is derived from the Arabic word "qābīl," meaning a group or assembly, implying gathering for purposes such as discussion or negotiation.

Synonyms and Antonyms

In summary, "cabildeo" plays a significant role in the Venezuelan legal and political landscape, signifying the practice of lobbying and advocacy within social contexts.
