cabina - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cabina (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "cabina" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word "cabina" refers to a small, enclosed space or compartment, often used for specific purposes. In Spanish, it can denote a cabin (like those found in buildings or on ships), a booth (for telephone or ticket sales), or a private compartment in a vehicle (like a taxi or airplane).

In terms of frequency of use, "cabina" is quite common and can be encountered in both oral and written contexts. Its usage may slightly vary depending on regional dialects, but it is widely understood across the Spanish-speaking world.

Example Sentences

  1. La cabina del avión estaba llena de pasajeros.
  2. "The airplane cabin was full of passengers."

  3. Entré en la cabina para hacer una llamada.

  4. "I went into the booth to make a call."

  5. El conductor se sentó en la cabina del taxi.

  6. "The driver sat in the taxi cabin."

Idiomatic Expressions

While "cabina" itself is not commonly featured in many idiomatic expressions, it can be part of phrases that imply confinement, limited space, or specific contexts. Here are a few related expressions:

  1. Cabina telefónica
  2. Literal Translation: Telephone booth
  3. Example: "En la cabina telefónica, pude hablar con mi familia."
  4. Translation: "In the telephone booth, I was able to talk to my family."

  5. Cabina de pilotaje

  6. Literal Translation: Cockpit
  7. Example: "El piloto entró en la cabina de pilotaje antes del despegue."
  8. Translation: "The pilot entered the cockpit before takeoff."

  9. Cabina de votación

  10. Literal Translation: Voting booth
  11. Example: "Fui a la cabina de votación para ejercer mi derecho al voto."
  12. Translation: "I went to the voting booth to exercise my right to vote."


The word "cabina" is derived from the Latin word "cabina," which means a small room or chamber. Its usage has evolved over time to encompass various types of small enclosures and compartments in both physical and metaphorical contexts.

Synonyms and Antonyms



In summary, "cabina" has versatile meanings that can vary depending on context, and it remains a practical term within everyday language. Its connections to various idioms further highlight its usage in specific situations, while its etymology traces back to classical Latin origins.
