The word "caca" is a noun.
The phonetic transcription of "caca" using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is /ˈka.ka/.
"Caca" is a colloquial and childish term used in Spanish to refer to feces or poop. It is predominantly used in informal contexts, often by children or when adults wish to speak in a lighthearted manner, especially around children. The term is common in everyday conversation but less likely to appear in formal or written contexts. Its frequency is high in oral discourse, particularly among families with young children.
"El niño se hizo caca en los pantalones."
"The boy pooped in his pants."
"La perra hizo caca en el jardín."
"The dog pooped in the garden."
While "caca" itself is more straightforward and less frequently a part of idiomatic expressions, it appears in a few colloquial phrases reflecting the lighthearted or less serious attitudes towards bodily functions.
"Hacer caca"
(to poop)
"Los bebés siempre hacen caca después de comer."
"Babies always poop after eating."
"Caca de la vaca" (slang for something nonsensical or silly)
"Eso que dijiste es caca de la vaca."
"What you said is nonsense."
"Caca en la cama" (to represent a mistake or problem related to childish behavior)
"Cuando no limpias tu habitación, es como caca en la cama."
"When you don't clean your room, it's like a problem."
The word "caca" is derived from an onomatopoeic origin, imitating the sound made during the action (in this case, a child-like term for stool). It has roots in the Latin word "caca," which also means "to defecate" and has been retained in several Romance languages.
Synonyms: - excremento (excrement) - heces (feces) - materia fecal (fecal matter)
Antonyms: - comida (food) - bebida (drink)
This information provides a comprehensive overview of the word "caca," detailing its usage, variations, and context in Spanish.